Categorized | Spirituality

Life is a Gift

Posted on 21 September 2011 by Cathy

We should all take time out of our life to stop and smell the roses or notice that rainbow. Life really is a gift and I know it! I realize all the time there is more to life than the here and now. I am reminded of that every time I go to help one of our clients. Our time in this plane of existence is only temporary. With this in mind I believe in living life right, following the golden rule and loving your neighbor. This love is a part of living life right and is done through service to others. Through selfless service to others we can gain something better than all the money in the world could buy and that thing is called grace. When my body dies my soul will go on and I want the state of my soul to be in this state of grace. I don’t do this by acting on occasion with the intent of banking my good works. I do it every moment of every day and in every act that I perform. Acting all the time with good intent will keep my soul in a state of grace. My motto has always been “Carpe diem (which means seize the day)! Whatever you can do or dream you can! Begin it. Boldness has genius, power, magic in it.” I do believe that life is a gift so I am going to live to the fullest that I possibly can. I also am doing it while filled with love for my neighbor.


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