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Advice for Clients

Posted on 15 October 2011 by Cathy

Have  you ever seen something out of the corner of your eye when you turned to look you couldn’t see anything? This makes most people question if they really saw something at all and you should. Was it the shadow of a passing car outside or just in your imagination because you haven’t gotten much sleep lately? Some people in this situation are too quick to jump to the conclusion that it is paranormal even if they haven’t had anything else happen in their home. You should be open to the possibility that there could be a logical explanation for the noises or shadows.


When you call a group be mindful that you will be asked questions to see what you may have going on. There have even been times when I try to explain that there may be a logical explanation where I have had potential clients get angry and defensive. Part of my job as case manager is to see if a case warrants our group to go out in the first place. There is no reason to be defensive because I am asking questions to try to figure out what may be going on. Just because I am asking questions does not mean I do not believe you or think that you are crazy. I really want to help you figure it all out. I may schedule our team to come out or refer another group that we know to check out your property.

If you do have something in your home where you feel the need to prove it you can call our group or any paranormal team in your area to investigate. My advice is that you should be careful with who you let come into your home. Are they a legitimate paranormal group? How long have they been investigating? Do they screen all the members of the team? Do they charge? Is the team just a group of kids who have decided to form a team because they thought it would be fun to scare each other on a Saturday night? What equipment do they have? How do they investigate?



After a team comes into your home you should be told what happened while they investigated that night. The group will then give you what evidence they collected after a period of time which varies from group to group. The evidence can be video, photos and audio clips with evps. You should be patient with waiting for the evidence. Groups have to go through everything with a fine tooth comb so to speak. They may want to go back through it a few times to ensure they caught everything. Most people reviewing the evidence have other jobs and families where they are not sitting down dedicated to evidence review all day. Make sure the group is even going to give you copies of the evidence. I have had a few cases where groups went into a home before us but the client was not given anything even though the group told them they caught a full bodied apparition on video.

Paranormal groups can show what they call evidence all day that is real and you may think it is not real, was faked or has some reasonable explanation other than the one the group is sharing with you. This is the problem with proving anything paranormal. You should question everything for yourself anyway! How would you know if a group was being honest with you? There are new teams that pop up every day with no experience. Many of the new groups think everything is paranormal. Some groups want fame and are willing to throw together things that are not real or questionable at best. Some things that are questionable are orbs, feelings and psychic impressions.

After you get the evidence look through it and question it for yourself. You should not blindly believe in whatever a group tells you. Have they given you orb photos? Some groups will take a picture of dust and say this is an orb which is a spirit. A photographer cannot tell the difference between dust and what some would call a spirit. How is it that anyone can say it is a spirit then? This is the reason our group does not show orb photos as proof of the afterlife. I know many people really believe in orbs even when you show them proof that dust can create the same effect.



An evp can really be another team member whispering. If the group has a high turn over rate for members they may not recognize each others voices. Was the evp collected at a public event or was the whole team in the location at the time the evp was collected? It is hard to rule out another member or person in this case. When running audio there should not be anyone whispering ever. How many people run audio in the group and do they synchronize their equipment? If only one person is collecting audio how can it really be ruled as an evp?

Has the group given you a psychic report? The world is filled with psychics who are out to get money or fame and who are fake. I am not saying all psychics are fake but there are enough in the world where you should question what is being said. It is sickening to think that while some are really gifted there are others who really are nothing better than con artists. How would you know the difference? Our group has had personal experience with both real and fake types. Our group uses every means we can to investigate and this can include psychics. When we give you information from a psychic it is just another piece of information in the puzzle that is your property and you should view it as such.

Some teams only come in to look and verify that you have paranormal activity. After they leave your house you should only expect to be given whatever evidence they found. These types of teams are not here to help you figure out what to do now that they have confirmed you have something in your home. You are then left on your own to figure it out for yourself. Some teams will not even call you back to give advice. Be careful with groups who charge you to investigate and then do cleansings. They are in the business of trying to make money by making you scared to give them money. Your priest or pastor can come in and do a cleansing/blessing and will not charge to help you out.

The bottom line is that if you do call a group out know what you are getting yourself into when you call them by asking them questions. Try to be open to the experience when they do come and please think for yourself!

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