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Fresh Figs with Ricotta

Posted on 21 October 2011 by Cathy

Figs are rich in fiber, potassium and manganese. They’re also a surprising source of calcium. It is thought they were first cultivated about 11,000 years ago in south-central Asia and I love them!











8 fresh figs, split down the middle (do not cut all the way through)
1/2 cup ricotta
2 pieces of prosciutto each split into 4 pieces
4 tablespoons honey











Ripe figs spoil right away. Keep them in the refrigerator only for a few days.











Split the figs but not all the way like this, I just wanted you to see what they look like inside.











Next slide a piece of  prosciutto inside. Then take a spoon and fill the centers with ricotta and drizzle with honey… yum!

1 Comments For This Post

  1. Marcelina Storks Says:

    Your blog is outstanding!

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