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Shadow People

Posted on 24 May 2011 by Cathy

Shadows are around us during the day and night. It is light on an object where that object blocks some of that light. Shadows seem more ominous at night sparking our imaginations as to what it might be. We notice out of the corner of our eye and usually toss it away as the TV casting a shadow or the headlights of a car just having passed by outside. On occasion the shadow does something that makes us get up to look and see what it is. Is someone getting ready to ring the doorbell? Was it a car? When you find nothing there you may think about something sinister.

I have watched full shadows manifest and appear to hover, walk, run or crawl to wherever they were going. Once I saw multiple shadows run from us as we were performing a house cleansing. One of the shadows jumped in the tree in the neighbors yard and crawled out of sight. That was not the only time I have seen a shadow move onto or into a tree. Goose bumps went all over my body as my mind tried to wrap around what I was witnessing. It was amazing! I feel blessed in my life to actually have personal proof that something is out there. Is it proof of life after death? A parallel universe? It is just fantastic to be there when something happens like that. It is hard to try to explain this scenario to anyone. Will they believe you?

The paranormal is really something you have to personally experience in order to believe. We all have our own ideas based off of religious upbringing. We also have stories we have heard from family and friends. We believe and trust are they are telling us the truth. So we have ideas of what we think is there or not there. Turn on the TV and almost all of the channels have some sort of show on the paranormal. Some of us watch these shows and wonder if it is fudged at all for ratings or really real. I have been on a show several times where I know it was real because I was there. That doesn’t mean every show on TV is real.

I know shadow people are real from personal experience. I cannot explain what they are scientifically with 100% certainty. Why? I have never had one of them walk up to me and give me an explanation of their origin. I can tell you what the theories are related to shadow people. As the case manager for our group I encourage you to call or email me and tell me your stories. I love to hear the things that most people feel they cannot share with anyone. Many feel they have nobody to talk to. Well you can talk to me!

Here is a video I put together to give you a better idea of what a shadow person might be

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