Sharing Goosebumps

Posted on 08 March 2011 by Cathy

I have always loved ghost stories! The feelings of sitting by a campfire listening to a storyteller speak about things that go bump in the night. I can still feel the goose bumps that I got listening to those stories when I think about it. I have many of those stories to tell myself. I think I should start with me and explain a bit about how I am able to tell those stories from first hand experience. After several incidents around the age of three I began to have things happen that I couldn’t explain. I would dismiss it because I was tired or rationalize it to fit the most logical explanation. I grew up in the church and found some explanations through my priest or religious studies. As I got older I moved into a very old home with unexplainable activity and couldn’t always explain it away. I started seeking more answers by reading everything I could get my hands on as well as asking questions. I took some classes in parapsychology and dove more into spirituality. After a move to Oklahoma I was able to get involved with a well known group of professional people all seeking answers to the age old questions. I have since then spent years investigating locations all over. I have been able to see and experience many things that most people never get the opportunity to experience. I feel blessed to confirm for myself certain things that we are really only supposed to have blind faith for. I can tell you that it is real although I cannot give a full scientific explanation of everything. It is my goal to prove it to you.


1 Comments For This Post

  1. Kayleigh Mcswiggan Says:

    Good story

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