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Catching EVP’s

Posted on 03 October 2011 by Cathy

There is really something chilling about capturing an evp (electronic voice phenomenon) when you know that there is no way anyone could have been recorded at the time. It is just amazing to me when I capture one that seems to be trying to communicate with us. One theory is that radio waves bounce back and somehow are able to be picked up by the recorder. How does this explain a disembodied voice responding to a conversation in an appropriate way?

Some evps are just random for no apparent reason. The other night the group went out to a location previously never investigated before and captured someone singing Hello my darling hello my honey hello my ragtime gal. How random is that? It was loud as if a radio had turned on but with just the voice and no music playing along with it.

Listen  singing Hello my darling hello my honey hello my ragtime gal

In July we were in Galveston at an old cemetery. Just a few of us were in the cemetery when we captured several evps. This was the second time we have been out to this cemetery. We were getting hits on the meter while investigating. Some felt cold spots and head whispers. We were able to catch 19 evp. Here are some of the audio clips

1. One of the best evps is in this particular audio clip. We had gone from one side of the cemetery to another and something decided to say “my side”

Listen  My side

2. I am handing Jordan one of our meters and do not want her to drop it so I say  “Don’t drop it”. We get an evp repeating “don’t drop it” right after I tell her

Listen Don’t drop it

3. In between the meter going off and Jordan asking what happened why is it red we capture an evp asking “What happened”

Listen What Happened

4. I think they were trying to get our attention by saying hi

Listen  Hi

5. All I can understand in this is “can’t help”

Listen  Can’t help

6. This was a strange evp to catch …. zip

Listen  Zip

7. I think we were being followed this night by a few spirits. They said ” hey lets go” perhaps because they saw us getting ready to leave

Listen  Hey lets go

8.  We were leaving when we captured this evp that says :Get out of the way”

Listen  Get out of the way

9 Comments For This Post

  1. Alexander Says:


  2. Tina Says:

    Hello and wow

  3. Arline Salatino Says:

    You are Awesome!

  4. Buddy Says:

    Hello again and Thank you for posting the evps!

  5. manuel Says:

    Great post! I’ll subscribe right now wth my feedreader!

  6. Sam S. Says:

    Hey keep up the good work.

  7. Dave Says:

    Hello, I found your website and love it

  8. Demon Guy Says:

    The hello my darlin, one was just awesome! Just goes to show they intertwine with us every chance they get and even give you something to amaze you which they all are, (evps) but when they do the really clear ones they are the best! And when ya get lucky enough to catch one they are really good proof that life goes on all around us even if you can’t see it.. }=->

  9. stomatologia gocław Says:

    I especially like this article.

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