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Posted on 16 March 2011 by Cathy

I get calls almost daily from potential clients. The calls almost always involve stories about their photographs containing orbs. They have read that these orbs are really spirits and they are calling because they are scared. They sometimes talk about them with co-workers, friends or family who also tell them that orbs are spiritual and possibly demonic. I now have to explain the truth about orbs to them over the phone. Sometimes the truth is disappointing as it is really not as dramatic as they thought.

Orbs can be dust, moisture or other contaminant within 6 inches of the camera lens. It can also be from within the lens. Contaminants can be hair, bugs, fibers, sand, dirt and various other particulate. Sometimes what looks like an orb is really a light from someones flashlight, a street light, someones face and is not paranormal. You need to understand that because an orb can be caused from these other things you cannot offer an orb photo as proof of the paranormal. Scientifically based groups who are researching the paranormal will never say an orb photo is spiritual.

Photos which are unable to be explained by logic and reason are looked at more closely. These photographs are usually offered to show the public the possibility that they are paranormal. We look to professionals from different professions to try to explain what the anomaly might be. There are photos which have never been explained. Usually these photographs are not of orbs.

There is another explanation for what orbs might be. They could be the energy of a spirit, a guide or an angel. There are whole websites dedicated to exploring orb phenomenon. Perhaps one day we will be able to scan a photograph and tell the difference between dust and energy. Until we are able to tell the difference between them I cannot show you a photo with an orb and tell you this validates that the paranormal is real. I have taken thousands of photos with orbs. I have not thrown the photos away as they have some value.

Here is a video with examples of orbs and what was known to cause them. Some of the photos are unexplained


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